Varadraj Industries

Raw Milk Storage Tank


A Raw Milk Storage Tank is a specialized container used to store unprocessed milk immediately after it is collected from cows, goats, or other dairy animals. These tanks are vital in preserving the quality of raw milk before it undergoes pasteurization or processing in dairy plants. They play a crucial role in maintaining milk’s freshness, safety, and nutritional value by keeping it in optimal storage conditions.

Key Features of a Raw Milk Storage Tank:
  • Cooling System:
    One of the most important features is the built-in cooling system. Raw milk needs to be quickly chilled to around 4°C (39°F) as soon as it’s collected to slow down bacterial growth and preserve its freshness. The cooling is typically achieved through direct expansion refrigeration systems or chilled water circulation around the tank.

  • Stainless Steel Construction:
    Raw milk storage tanks are almost always made of food-grade stainless steel, which is non-reactive, corrosion-resistant, and easy to clean. Stainless steel ensures that the milk remains uncontaminated and that the tank can be used for a long time without any degradation in quality.

  • Insulation:
    Thick insulation around the tank helps maintain the cool temperature inside, even if the ambient temperature fluctuates. This reduces energy consumption and keeps the milk consistently cold to prevent spoilage.

  • Agitators:
    To ensure uniform cooling and prevent the cream from separating from the milk, these tanks have agitators (stirrers) inside. The agitators keep the milk gently moving, which also helps maintain an even temperature throughout the tank.

  • Temperature Control and Monitoring:
    These tanks are equipped with digital temperature monitors and control systems that constantly check the milk’s temperature. Alarms or alerts can notify farm workers if the temperature rises above the safe range, helping to prevent spoilage.

  • Capacity:
    Raw milk storage tanks come in different sizes, ranging from small tanks on family-run farms to massive tanks in large dairy processing facilities. Smaller tanks can hold several hundred liters, while larger ones can store tens of thousands of liters of milk.

Applications of Raw Milk Storage Tanks:

  • Dairy Farms:
    Raw milk tanks are a key feature on farms, where they store milk immediately after milking. The milk is kept in these tanks until it is picked up by tankers for transportation to processing plants.

  • Milk Collection Centers:
    In some regions, milk from smaller farms is collected and pooled into larger tanks at collection centers before being transported to dairy processing plants.

  • Dairy Processing Plants:
    At large dairy plants, raw milk storage tanks hold milk after it arrives from farms. The milk is stored in these tanks before it goes through processes like pasteurization, homogenization, and further manufacturing.

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